From Dream to Reality: Living in Dublin, Ireland

By Guillan Vazquez


Language is a barrier that can distance or bring different cultures closer together. So, if you know how to break through that barrier, you’ll be open to a whole new world of discovery.

English is a fundamental tool for understanding any content that reaches the international market. As it is a widely spoken and easy language to learn, it is a great way to improve dialogue between people.

It is crucial to be fluent in English both academically and professionally. If you are thinking of studying abroad, perhaps doing a master’s degree or a doctorate, you should already know that one of the requirements to participate in the programs is being proficient in English. Secondly, to have opportunities to work in some of the biggest countries in the world is possible only if you are well acquainted with English.

The thought of coming to Ireland started with the objective of finding a place where I can immerse myself in the culture and the language to gain the confidence to speak, write, and mainly communicate in English. After comparing and reading about different schools, I decided to enrol myself in the Study & Work programme with Delfin English School. It is true it is a little expensive comparatively but it is definitely worth it.

Delfin helped me build confidence in my English skills by not just attending classes or doing my homework but by ensuring that I participate in different activities throughout my course and practice what I learnt. My teachers made sure to correct me every time I made a mistake and provided me with different tips and tricks to improvise.

The school and the country allowed me to connect with people from all over the world and learn about their cultures and experiences. Being surrounded by a mix of nationalities forced me to speak in English all the time and made me realise that learning something new can be so much fun!

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Dave Bray

Today, after living in Ireland for about a year and a half,  studying and working, and connecting with people from different parts of the world, I feel more than prepared for any situation or challenge in my professional life as well as in my personal life because being able to speak a language takes you on one path, but speaking more than one takes you around the world.